The golden section phenomenon in different scientific fields


Our project aims to study how a mathematical problem can appear in different fields of life. The students and teachers of five countries(Hungary, Bulgaria, Poland, Romania and Turkey) will be involved in different activities and share their experiences with participants of the partner countries.

The project intends to discover our common cultural heritage and investigate its appearance in the countries' contemporary culture through an interdisciplinary approach. The project encourages students to have an overall view and make them discover the connections of different subjects. All fundamental competences will be developed, the subjects maths, biology, art and music are to focus on.

Via group work activities students can broaden their knowledge of different cultures, improve their inttercultural competence, create and reinforce the awareness of being European, belonging to the same community. They will use up-to-date IT devices, improve their communicational skills and the activities encourage them to learn and use foreign languages.

The project will also help teachers to exchange their methodological experiences and make them apply interdiciplinary approach during their everyday pedagogical work. Parents, local authorities, local and national organisations and the local media will cooperate in this project.

During the two years all the participants will organize meetings in order to encourage intercultural dialogue and foster a friendly atmosphere.The products of the project will be disseminated among the institutions, thus enhancing European awareness and dimension.










