Éltető Noémi X.A



Turkey is the country which is part of two continents: Europe and Asia. In Turkey the official state religion is the Islam, and the culture is naturally influenced by it. It would be awesome for me, as a European and Christian girl, to get to know at close quarters this culture.

In the Middle Ages (especially in the 10th and 11th centuries), Bulgaria was the centre of Slavic culture. Bulgarian literature is an important cultural force.

The great periods of Western cultural and intellectual expression are paralleled by the history of Polish creativity.

Hungary is the country that I know the best. The culture, the history and the art of Hungary is in some measure mine too.

The golden section is one of my favorite projects. I read a lot about it and I know that thousand years ago some curious people, like Pythagoras already picked up on the ratio, which creates harmony and absolute aesthetics in the nature. Pythagoras' discoveries of the proportions of the human figure had a tremendous effect on Greek art. Every part of their major buildings, down to the smallest detail of decoration, was constructed upon this proportion. The ancient Egyptians used it as well in the design of their great pyramids with an incredible precision.

The Fibonacci sequence was known already before Christ, which also hold the number of numbers, the phi. To this day nearly all of the well-known, famous artists like Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Rembrandt, Joseph Mallord William Turner, Seurat, Salvador Dali, Le Corbusier, Luca Pacioli and so on, tried to imitate the absolute harmony, to use the number of perfection in their work.

I had the idea to use the Fibonacci sequence in other applications, firstly in literature, so I tried to write poems, which have verses with number of syllables in line with the sequence. This way of poem-writing helped me a lot to create wonderfully melodious pieces of poetry.

We know that the most aesthetic ratio in a painting or construction is the golden ratio, so I take it that in eurhythmics is pleasant for the eyes too. I learned modern ballet, and I found out that the body can form different “perfect” formations, wherein are angles, distances (between arms and legs) and numbers of steps, which hold the golden section.

In nature we can find the phi along the human body in the set-up of animals, shells and plants without number. If we keep our weather-eye open, we can observe that the golden section shows itself in much more creations than we thought. For example when I had a look at my Gingko Biloba leaf, I noticed that between the length and the width of the leaf is a golden ratio. I would fain present this living fossil, or many other plants, animals and mineral formations for others.

I expect to get more and more knowledge in this subject on different branches of learning. I am mighty interested in the partner country’s cultural life, I would like to get to know pupils from other countries, who are concerned too of the topic of the golden ratio.